桑德拉·达马托-帕伦博,R.D.H., M.P.S., Ed.D.

Sandra D'Amato-Palumbo大头照


2021 E.d.D. 在卫生专业,A.T. 还是大学

1994 M.P.S. in Professional Studies with a concentration in 健康 Administration, (优等生), 昆尼皮亚克大学

1981 B.S. in Dental Hygiene 教育, (优等生), University of Bridgeport

1980 A.S. in Dental Hygiene, (优等生), University of Bridgeport


Dental Hygiene Program for outstanding service in support of National Children's Dental 健康 Month, Connecticut State Dental Association

Certificate of Appreciation and Outstanding Service Award, The 纽黑文 Dental Hygienists' Association, 纽黑文, CT

Certificate of Honor, 纽黑文 Dental Association, CT

Distinguished 教师 Award, Dental Hygiene Program, 网赌上分平台


Sandra’s scholarly achievements are varied: From publications in high-tiered professional dental journals, to published chapters and electronic media in textbooks, to national and state speaking engagements, 接受补助金和礼物, her research foci are special needs patients and pathology. The highlight of her scholarship included a visiting research scholar position at the University of Connecticut 健康 Center, 口腔医学院. For it was there that she was exposed to the conduct of clinical research, especially in the areas of head and neck cancer and the hemodialysis patient population.


Connecticut State Dental Association, Continuing 教育 Council


American Dental 教育 Association

Delta Lambda Chapter of Sigma Phi Alpha, 口腔卫生荣誉学会, 网赌上分平台

American Dental Hygienists' Association, Connecticut Dental Hygienists' Association, Southeastern Dental Hygienists' Association


Dental Hygiene Licensure, State of CT


D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代. (2015). Dental Management of Patients with Bleeding Disorders. dentalcare.com: Dental Continuing 教育 Courses. 普洛克特 & Gamble Company(佳洁士,Oral B). Continuing 教育 Units: 3 hours. http://www.dentalcare.com/en-us/professional-education/ce-courses/ce319/toc

D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代.卡普兰,A.迪亚兹,P., & Lalla R. (2013). Role of microorganisms in causing infections associated with vascular access devices in hemodialysis patients. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine 口腔病理学 Oral Radiology, 115(1), 56-61. Doi: 10.1016/j.哦哦.2012.08.445.

拉杰什,我.拉托尔图,M., Hong, C. H.Ariyawardana, A.,D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代. 费舍尔,D。. J.马托夫,A.尼科拉图-加利蒂斯,欧.帕顿,L. L.Elting, L. S.斯皮克尔维特,F. K. L., & 布伦南,M. T. (2010). A Systematic Review of Oral Fungal Infections In Patients Receiving Cancer Therapy. 癌症的支持性护理, 18 (8), 985-992.


D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代.法希,C., & 席尔瓦,C. (2017). The 网赌上分平台 dental hygiene program at a glance. American Dental 教育 Association GoDental Newsletter (2017年冬季).
http://www.adea.org/GoDental/Dental_Blogs/Hear_from_Practitioners/The_University_of_New_Haven_Dental_Hygiene_Program_at_a_Glance.aspx # sthash.kb4VND7v.dpbs \

D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代. (2020). Organ Transplantation and Renal Disease. 在D. 博文 & J. Pieren, Darby and Walsh Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice 5日艾德. (pp. 865-876). 马里兰高地,密苏里州:爱思唯尔.

D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代. (2017). 口腔疾病. 在R. Prajer & G. 恶心, DH Notes: Dental Hygienist’s Chairside Pocket Guide 第二版. (pp. 143-188). 费城,宾夕法尼亚州:F.A. 戴维斯.

D 'Amato-Palumbo,年代. (2017). E-Clinical Protocols 19 and 20: Oral 健康 Care Management for the Patient with HIV/AIDS and Oral 健康 Care Management for the Patient with Cancer. 在L. 德龙 & N. Burkhart, General and 口腔病理学 for the Dental Hygienist (第三艾德.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & 威尔金斯.


2000-2016: Program Director, Dental Hygiene Program, 网赌上分平台

2019-current: Delta Lambda Chapter of Sigma Phi Alpha, 口腔卫生荣誉学会, 网赌上分平台, 秘书兼司库

2019-current: Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowships Advisory Board, 网赌上分平台, 成员

2018-current: 教师 Affairs Committee, 网赌上分平台, secretary


2017 - current: Connecticut State Dental Association, Continuing 教育 Council, Member

2019 - current: Commission on Dental 认证, Site 访问or, Dental Hygiene Programs


1996 - present: The 纽黑文 Board of 教育 Head Start Program, 纽黑文, 健康谘询委员会委员

Courses Taught in the Dental Hygiene Program

DHYG 1105 Introduction to Dental Hygiene I
DHYG 1110: Introduction to Dental Hygiene II
DHYG 3330/3331: Dental Hygiene Concepts III
DHYG 3325:一般 & 口腔病理学
DHYG 3350/3351: Dental Hygiene Concepts IV
DHYG 4438: Dental Hygiene 研究
DHYG 4556: Public 健康-Community Based Instruction
DHYG 4460/4463: Advanced Dental Hygiene Concepts (lecture and clinical instructor)
DHYG 4461:口腔医学
DHYG 4462: Dental Hygiene Internship
DHYG 4468: Dental Hygiene Senior Project